This is perhaps the last weekly account balance update for a while. I will be traveling in Asia for the coming months (Russia, Mongolia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and possibly the Philippines). We’ll see, I’ll try and write some updates now and then.
This week have been quite good, even though some S/Ls was hit. Total gain over the three live accounts was $223.

Alpari UK Live account
Quite a nice graph, the bump in the beginning is a S/L hit by MD Pro in EURGBP. I’m starting to distrust trading that pair, perhaps I’ll disable it. Otherwise no big losses or gains, lots of break evens. FAPT isn’t making much money on this account anymore. MD Pro with EURUSD and USDCHF is the real moneymakers. Total gain was €62.55. Live account
Really few trades on this account during the week. I removed some charts with MD Pro in order to hit fewer stop losses last week, seems to have worked out or I was simply lucky. RoboMiner have not been closing many trades either. But it can have some slow weeks now and then, no worries. Total gain was $53.67.

Jade FX Live account
This week there are some bumps in the graph unfortunately, but still a very good performance. The first bump is the same trade that hit a S/L in the Alpari UK account, MD Pro on EURGBP. The last one was by FAPT in USDCAD, for a loss of $55. It was FAP Turbos‘ second night on the live account, again my timing is impeccable. Forex Shocker have been taking 4 pips here and there at a nice pace, without any losses hit which is good news considering last week. Total gain was $80.56.
So that’s it. Hopefully this trend continues. I have been making about $250 each week now for a while. I will fund my new The Collective FX account today (I hope, don’t really have time for it right now thou). I really want another ECN so it would be great, but the $147 monthly fee is expensive if I don’t get around to trade it successfully. I’m going to use the same setup as for the Jade FX account, but in order to get at least a good way up to the 45 lots I’m paying to trade for I need to fund it considerably more than with $500. I’m thinking about $2000. We’ll see. I also have to setup a new VPS for it, since the one I use for JadeFX is really crammed (it’s the shared VPS service provided by JadeFX themselves). This is where I really don’t have time for it…
Happy trading
Update: I didn’t have time to setup up my account at The Collective FX I’m afraid. So I won’t be trading there. I really don’t like it, but there were much more pressing matters to attend to. I will be travelling in Asia for the next three months. I think I’ll add the funds that was going to the CFX account to my JadeFX account in the coming week or so. Or I’ll just spend it