Still nothing from JadeFX (via NFA)
Wow, it has been a long time since the last positive news in this story now. I’ve actually been traveling through out Africa for for the past 3 months and have tried to not think about it. Just got home this weekend and to no surprise I found no check in the mail. After reading through the forum at Donnas I found out that there should have been some correspondence from the NFA thou, but I have not received any. I’ve sent a email to the appointed contact at NFA and hopefully they will confirm that I’m on the list of account holders and that they won’t miss me when ever they come around to actually giving our money back. Or what is left of it after “administration fees”…
When I finally get my capital I will split it in two accounts. One at Pepperstone and one at FXCC (of course with rebates from Cashbackforex).